How to disable/uninstall chrome's new bookmark manager.Get the Old Chrome Bookmark Manager Back
IF YOu DON"t like the new bookmark manager interface and the tumbnails look you can get the old classic interface back by following these steps
open a new tab in your google chrome browser
go to: chrome://flags/#enhanced-bookmarks-experiment
change the setting to disabled
click relaunch now that's it,now when you reopen Chrome,you’ll be back to the old classic view. chrome bookmark manager 2015 google chrome bookmark manager
-Google Glass:The google glass version 2 is coming out soon 2015
Luxottica Italian eyewear company that owns popular brands like Ray-Ban is working on next version of Google Glass
according to the Wall Street Journal the chief executive of the company Luxottica Massimo Vian said that the company is working on a new edition of Google Glass.
till now,thre is no details how the new version of Google Glass might be like.
although Google stopped selling the first version of Glass because sales were low and the product was largely criticized about its violation of privacy.Yet wearable technology is still a growing market,and Next version of Google Glass will be out soon
in January Glass chief Ivy Ross said the new model will be cheaper,with a higher quality display, better battery life,and improved sound quality.
How to import export google chrome bookmarks ,Manage Bookmarks In Google Chrome
How to Save Google Chrome Bookmarks
1- click on the chrome menu 2- Hover the Mouse over Bookmarks 3- Select Bookmark manager from the drop-down menu 4- Click on Organize 5- Select Export Bookmarks to HTML File 6- Save
How to Import Bookmarks
1- click on the chrome menu 2- Hover the Mouse over Bookmarks 3- Select Bookmark manager from the drop-down menu 2- Hover the Mouse over Bookmarks 3- Select Bookmark manager from the drop-down menu 4- Click on Organize 5- Select Import Bookmarks From HTML File 6- Go where Your Bookmarks File is Saved and select it 7- Click Open
the top thumbnaill image zoom add ons,must have google chrome browsser extensions hover-zoom is a very good app Enlarge thumbnails on mouse over. Works on many sites (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Reddit, Amazon, Tumblr, etc). Very useful extension. And it works; most of the time Great and very useful app Browse images galleries with ease: move the mouse cursor over thumbnails to view images in their full size without loading a new page. Pictures are automatically resized if they don't fit the window. the best add-on ever Works on many sites (potentially any site with direct links to image files),
including these: • 4chan • Amazon • Baidu (百度) • Bing • deviantART • eBay • Facebook • Flickr • Google (Google Images, Google+) • Imgur • MySpace • Outlook • Picasa Web Albums • Pinterest • Reddit • Taobao (淘宝网) • Twitter • Tumblr • VKontakte (ВКонтакте) • Wikipedia • Wordpress • Yahoo • YouTube One of the most useful add-ons, works great. Options: • Support for video files (WebM, MP4) • Disable zooming for specific sites • Enable zooming only for specific sites (white list mode) • Adjustable delay and fading effect • Zoom images only when a specific key is held down • Semi-transparent zoomed images
All you need to know about vitamin d and its relation to your health
what is vitamin d daily recommended intake for good health vitamin d deficiency symptoms diseases food listVitamin d Essential for Your Good Health
What is vitamin d?
Vitamin dis a very important nutrient for our health Vitamin d: Vital Role in Your Health,it is not really a vitamin.
It is in fact a fat-soluble prohormones that help the body use Calcium and Phosphorus to build and maintain strong bones .
-Increases muscle and teeth strength
-Helps the immune system to fight off invading bacteria and viruses.
-Reduces inflammation
Sources of vitamin D
How to get vitamin d ?
Sun is our primary source of vitamin d, it’s made when skin is exposed to the ultraviolet light from the sun. Approximately 5–30 minutes of sun exposure between 10 am and 3 pm at least twice a week to the face, arms, legs, or back without sunscreen usually lead to sufficient vitamin d synthesis. Commercial tanning beds that emit 2%–6% UVB radiation is also effective but must be used wisely .
Vitamin D is naturally present in very few foods Such as : Salmon, tuna, and mackerel Fish liver oils Beef liver Vitamin D is also added to some foods (Fortified foods) such as :
Milk ,breakfast cereals some juices, yogurt, margarine and soy beverages,wich provide most of the vitamin d in the american diet .
Vitamin d can also be obtained through dietary supplements. People who avoid the sun and stay indoors for long time should include good sources of vitamin d in their diets or take a supplement.
Dietary supplements might help in some situations to increase the intake of a specific vitamin or mineral.
Vitamin D is found in supplements in two forms : d2 and d3 Supplements of vitamin d3 have been shown to reduce the risk of bone loss and fractures in elderly people
Vitamin D deficiency
Why some people become deficient in vitamin d ? Some people become deficient in
Vitamin d because :
They don't consume enough or absorb enough from food . Their exposure to sunlight Is limited. Their kidneys cannot convert vitamin d to its active form in the body.
These symptoms may reflect lack of vitamin d. They can vary depending on the individual and the gravity of deficiency . Many people don’t experience any symptoms, which is why it’s so important to get your blood levels checked to know for sure if you are getting enough vitamin D.
What are the diseases caused by vitamin d deficiency ?
The classical vitamin D deficiency diseases are :
Rickets Osteomalacia -Vitamin D and osteoporosis- Some research also suggests that women with low levels of vitamin D have a higher risk of breast cancer Vitamin D and depression osteoporosis
How much vitamin d our body needs?Vitamin D for Good Bone Health
The amount of vitamin d we need each day depends on age Average daily recommended amounts from the food and nutrition board (a national group of experts) for different ages are: 400 (IU) of vitamin D each day for infants from birth to 12 months of age 600 (IU) of vitamin D for people from age 1 to 70 years old 800 (IU) for people age 71 years and older
Breastfed infants should be given a vitamin D supplement every day, because human milk is a poor source of vitamin D .
Older adults Because their kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form .
People with dark skin Because their skin has less ability to produce vitamin D from the sun
Obese people Need more vitamin D than normal people
In such groups dietary supplements might be required to meet the daily need for vitamin D
Health Risks from Excessive Vitamin DIs there any health risks from Excessive intake of vitamin D ?
Excessive intake of vitamin D supplements can cause toxic effects .
Too much vitamin D increases calcium levels which can cause heart and kidneys problems
Excessive sun exposure does not cause vitamin D toxicity. However, you should not try to increase vitamin D production by increasing your exposure to sunlight because this will also increase the risk of skin cancer . Vitamin D is very important to the body, But obtaining sufficient vitamin D from natural food sources alone is difficult. For many people, consuming vitamin D fortified foods and arguably being exposed to some sunlight are essential for maintaining a healthy vitamin D status. In some groups, dietary supplements might help to meet the daily need for vitamin D. 37% of the U.S. Population uses a dietary supplement containing vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency symptoms vitamina d = vitamine d = d vitamin
measles symptoms,health complications and How to prevent it
Measles Also called: rubeola,rubéole,la rougeole,sarampión,Masern,الحصبة,
What is measles?
measles infectious skin disease
Measles is a highly contagious disease that occurs most often in the late winter and spring
it's caused by a virus that is easily transmitted by air when infected people sneeze or cough,
The virus can survive in the air up to several hours after the person with measles leaves the room.
What are the symptoms of measles?
the symptoms of measles are:
-high fever
-runny nose
-Redness in the face and on the body
-Infected persons will also be affected by ambient light and feel pain in the eyes with tearing
measles health complications
Measles can cause serious health complications,such as:
-inflammation of the ear
-pulmonary infection
-encephalitis which often causes permanent damage to the brain or mental retardation.
1 or 2 out of 1,000 people with measles will die .
Complications are more common in people with serious illness (eg. Leukemia) and among babies aged less than one year.
Pregnant women with measles can have a more severe form of the disease
How to prevent measles?
Vaccination is the best way to protect against measles
People who are unvaccinated for any reason, risk getting infected with measles and spreading it to others .
The vaccine is safe and has been used for years.