Lose weight fast in a week:How to burn Belly Fat Fast,Get a Flat & Sexy Tummy

Lose weight fast in a week(7 days) without exercise:How to burn/Cut Belly Fat Fast,way to Get a Flat & Sexy Tummy and Lose/Reduce Body Fat with just a simple quick Natural Secret Diet  Drink yet effective
watch video here : https://youtu.be/ZqAxA66jbpY

Mental Health:10 ways to look after your mental health and prevent mental disorders

Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs.
Anyone can make simple changes that have a huge impact on their mental health and wellbeing

There is also evidence that good mental wellbeing is important for our physical health, and that it can help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

 Just like your physical health, there are actions you can take to stay mentally healthy by following a few simple steps.

Here are ten practical ways to take care of yourself and get the most from life.
watch  video here: https://youtu.be/6V_A2MnHceo

1- Build strong relationships:
Developing and maintaining strong relationships with your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.has a great effect on your wellbeing.

2- Eat Well:
Combine physical activity with a balanced diet to nourish your body and mind and keep you feeling good

3- Take a Break:
A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you

4-be active:
Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better

5- Ask for Help:
None of us are superhuman.We all sometimes get tired.Ask for help.the people around you can help.

6- Take time to enjoy:
Do what you love to do

7- Care for Others:
Caring for others is often an important part of keeping up relationships with people close to you

8-keep learning:
Learn a new skill,take on a challenge.learning new skills can give you a sense of achievement and builds confidence.

9- be mindful:
feel the world around you,this mindfulness is very important for your mental health

10-Learn to Deal with stress:
a balanced lifestyle,relaxation breathing or meditation can help you manage stress better

what caffeine does to your body?is caffeine found in green tea,coffee ,cocoa,cola and energy drinks good for your health?

Caffeine is naturally found in various plants such as coffee beans,tea leaves,kola nuts used to flavor soft drink colas,and cacao pods used to make chocolate products,Man-made caffeine is sometimes added to foods, soft drinks, and medicines.

Ninety percent of people in the world use caffeine in one form or another. In the U.S., 80 percent of adults consume caffeine every day.the average adult has an intake of 200 mg per day,

In Europe, adults consume on average 200 mg daily (ranging from 100-400 mg), mainly from coffee and tea, but also from soft drinks including “energy drinks”. However, the dose depends greatly on cultural habits. Northern European countries are known for their heavy coffee drinking: in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden, the average consumption of caffeine reaches 400 mg/day

The average caffeine content of ground roasted coffee is around 85 mg per 150ml (1 cup), of instant coffee it is 60 mg, of decaffeinated coffee is 3 mg, of leaf or bag tea is 30 mg, of instant tea is 20 mg and of cocoa or hot chocolate it is 4 mg. A glass (200 ml) of a soft drink containing caffeine, has between 20 – 60mg of caffeine.

Whether caffeine is consumed in food or as a medicine, it changes the way your brain and body work and changes how you behave and feel. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. Your central nervous system includes your brain, spinal cord, and the other nerves in your body. Caffeine’s main effect on your body is to make you feel more awake and alert for a while, but it can also cause problems. It can:

•Make you jittery and shaky
•Make it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep,or get a good night’s sleep
•Make your heart beat faster
•Cause an uneven heart rhythm
•Raise your blood pressure
•Cause headaches, nervousness,and/or dizziness
•Make you dehydrated (dried out) especially after a workout
•Make you dependent on it so you need to take more of it

you must be aware that Caffeine doesn't make a drunk person sober or fit to drive it does not get rid of the effects of alcohol.

Watch video for more https://youtu.be/cUYBTyQiW0Y

Breast cancer symptoms,signs,detection and treatment|how to prevent and reduce my risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer symptoms,signs,detection and treatment|how to prevent and reduce my risk of breast cancer

Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the breast, it is called breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, Getting mammograms regularly can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. 

A mammogram is an X-ray picture of the breast. Doctors use a mammogram to look for early signs of breast cancer.

if you are 50 to 74 years old, be sure to have a screening mammogram every two years. If you are 40 to 49 years old, talk to your doctor about when to start and how often to get a screening mammogram.
There are different kinds of breast cancer. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast, like the ducts or the lobes.
Changes in the breast can often be harmless and can occur during pregnancy, breastfeeding, at different times of the month if you still have periods and after the menopause. However, if you find an unusual change in your breast, it is important to get it checked out as there’s a chance it could be cancer.

Different people have different warning signs for breast cancer. Some people do not have any signs or symptoms at all.A person may find out they have breast cancer after a routine mammogram.
What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

Some warning signs of breast cancer are

1-New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit).
2-Thickening or swelling of part of the breast.
3-puckering, dimpling,or inflammation of breast skin.
4-Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast.
4-Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.
5-Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood.
6-Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
7-Pain in any area of the breast.
What can I do to reduce my risk of breast cancer ? 

you can help lower your risk of breast cancer in the following ways:

1-Keep a healthy weight.
2-Exercise regularly
3-Get enough sleep.
4-Don’t drink alcohol
5-Avoid exposure to chemicals that can cause cancer
6-Try to reduce your exposure to radiation during medical tests like mammograms, X-rays, CT scans, and PET scans.
7-If you need hormone replacement therapy ask your doctor about the risks and find out if it is right for you.
8-Breastfeed your babies, if possible.

How Is Breast Cancer Treated?

Breast cancer is treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of breast cancer and how far it has spread. People with breast cancer often get more than one kind of treatment
a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some cases of breast cancer may also be treated using biological or hormone treatments. The exact course of treatment will be determined by your individual circumstances.
Remember, the sooner breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the outcome of any treatment is likely to be.

More in this video: https://youtu.be/rbwHMuBshXw

credits :
Mammography & Normal vs Cancer Cells b roll videos
Source: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
source:Centers for Disease Control.

Halloween tips:need to know Halloween safety tips|c'est halloween youtube!!!!

Who doesn't love trick-or-treating?

Halloween Day (Saturday, October 31 , 2015)is fun times.
dress up in costumes,collect as much candy as possible before your bag 
bursts,enjoy parties,and eat yummy treats.
This year, make sure you have an extra safe Halloween night with these trick-or-treat tips.

- Look up your local trick-or-treating time and rules
- lot out a map of safe neighborhoods for trick-or-treating
- Avoid trick-or-treating alone
- Let older children take the map with them if they’re trick-or-treating on their own
- Stick reflective tape on dark costumes and bags to help drivers see you
-Halloween make up & Face paint may work better than a mask when it comes to visibility
- Pick a perfect pumpkin for carving
- encourage your kids to paint creative faces on their pumpkins instead of carving
- Consider using a glow stick or battery-powered lights instead of candles to light the way for trick-or-treating or in jack-o-lanterns
- Never walk near lit candles or luminaries. Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes
- Screen candy before your kids eat it
- Eat only factory-wrapped treats
-Limit the amount of treats you eat and Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers 
-costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible
-Always test Halloween make-up in a small area first
-Lower your risk for serious eye injury by not wearing decorative Halloween contact lenses
- Wear well-fitting Halloween masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls

Watch video here : https://youtu.be/zxrO1i5Sc_M

Get Rid of Acne,Acne Scars and Freckeles Fast Naturally Clearing Acne Skin Care Routine


  2. LEMON


step 1

Clean your face with natural soap.

step 2

Apply organic olive oil to the face for at least 1 hour .

step 3

Gently pat the skin with a paper towel to wipe away any excess oil.

step 4

Apply lemon juice,leave to dry for a minute,than apply it a second time .
Leave  on  overnight

step 5

Wash face with water in the morning.

watch video for more :

23 simple tips/tricks to prevent motor vehicle car crime/thefts besides a security system, Advice for car owners

With very little time and effort you can drastically reduce the chance of you becoming a victim of theft.protect your vehicle by following security tips in this video.

- Never leave valuables in your vehicle even if your car is locked
GPS units, mobile phones, purses, laptops, gym bags,
backpacks, loose change, stereos, CDs are Most Common Items Stolen from vehicles. 

- Keep your keys safe and secure Don’t make your keys an easy target.

- ALWAYS Keep your vehicle in good mechanical condition.

- Never leave your car running or the keys in the ignition.

- Have your key ready in hand so you can open immediately the door of your vehicle.

- If possible park your vehicle in your garage,Don’t leave your vehicle on the street.

- Avoid parking near trucks, vans, dumpsters, and other objects that obstruct visibility and provide hiding places

- When valet parking or leaving a vehicle for service, provide only the vehicle key.

- Be especially alert when parking at fast food places, gas stations, ATMs, and shopping areas.

- When stopped in traffic, Keep your vehicle in gear. Try to leave enough room to drive away if threatened.

- Keep from sight  maps or travel brochures that might indicate you are a tourist.

-Install an engine immobiliser :

An engine immobiliser is an electronic device that acts to isolate the ignition system, the fuel system,and the starter engine, or a combination of these three systems

- Install a high quality SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM 
Vehicle alarm should be audible and visible.

 More tips in this video :

Travel tips:14 Food safety tips for travellers,before traveling to international destinatinations

Many people like to explore more exotic holiday destinations, but travellers should be cautious, especially if they intend to visit developing countries. One in three travellers fall ill because of contaminated food and water,most often suffering from travellers’ diarrhoea (TD). Casualty rate may go up to 80% for those staying in high-risk destinations within Asia, Africa and Latin America. But don’t panic:you can prevent food- or waterborne illness provided that you take certain precautionary measures.

Why do travellers get sick?

Contaminated water or food can cause a variety of diseases that range from mild and short-lived symptoms (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea,diarrhea) to longer and more severe diseases (e.g. cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A). Visitors of tropical and subtropical countries may also become infected with intestinal parasites such as worms.

When we travel abroad, we expose ourselves to sudden changes that bring down our natural immune system defences. We may sleep less and get stressed by disrupting our normal eating habits and encountering a different environment. We also get exposed to germs that our body is not used to coping with, and the health hazard can be enhanced by warm climates or unhygienic conditions that favour the growth and spread of dangerous micro-organisms.

What can you do to reduce the risk of infection?
safety tips

1-Depending on the country you visit, you may need vaccination against severe diseases.
2-If you travel to high-risk destinations, taking antibiotics or other chemical preparations preventatively could be effective against certain forms of TD. Products containing probiotics (‘healthy’ bacteria) might be a more gentle approach although their efficacy against TD remains to be proven.
3- More simply, you can boost your immune system by sleeping well and eating healthily before you leave home.
4- When travelling, keep in mind that the most likely cause for contamination is from polluted water and handling of food. So, common sense and basic hygiene such as washing your hands (with boiled or safe water) before eating are an effective way to protect yourself.
5-Drink water, preferably carbonated, from sealed containers – when in doubt, treat the water with a reliable filtering system or a disinfectant agent such as iodine.
6-Avoid ice in your drinks and make sure you use safe water to rinse your food and brush your teeth.
7-Don’t buy food from street vendors or other food outlets where there is evidence of poor hygiene.
8-Boil unpasteurised milk.
9-Eat cooked food, making sure that it has been cooked thoroughly and has not been kept at room temperature for several hours.
10-Peel all your fruit and raw vegetables, and avoid fruit with damaged skins.
11-Avoid salads which may have been washed in contaminated water.
12-Avoid food likely to have been exposed to flies or insects.
13-Avoid uncooked shellfish, and dishes containing raw or undercooked eggs, poultry or meat.
14-In countries where poisonous bio-toxins may be present in fish and shellfish, obtain advice locally.

What to do if you get sick?

Diarrhoea, the most likely symptom you may suffer from, causes potentially dangerous dehydration. Pack oral re-hydration solutions, or buy them abroad. They are often presented as a powder to which you’ll need to add boiled or treated water. You should contact a doctor if the diarrhoea lasts longer than 24 hours, vomiting lasts longer than 12 hours, blood is present in the stool, or you experience fever or severe muscle cramping.

source of information :

5 Tactics Scammers often do the IRS would never do,irs tax scam help

Taxpayers are always warned to remain on high alert and protect themselves 

against the ever-evolving array of deceitful tactics scammers use to trick 


These schemes — which can occur over the phone, in e-mails or through letters 

with authentic looking letterhead — try to trick taxpayers into providing 

personal financial information or scare people into making a false tax payment 

that ends up with the criminal.

Scammers posing as IRS agents first targeted those they viewed as most 

vulnerable, such as older Americans, newly arrived immigrants and those whose 

first language is not English. These criminals have expanded their net and are 

now targeting virtually anyone.

The most common theme with these tricks seems to be fear. Scammers try to 

scare people into reacting immediately without taking a moment to think 

through what is actually happening.

but there are five things scammers often do that the real IRS would never do.

The IRS will never:

1-Angrily demand immediate payment over the phone, nor will the agency call 

about taxes owed without first having mailed you a bill.

2-Threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have 

you arrested for not paying.

3-Demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or 

appeal the amount they say you owe.

4-Require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a 

prepaid debit card.

5-Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.

If you’ve been targeted by any scam, be sure to contact the Federal Trade 


For more information on reporting tax scams, go to irs website IRS.gov and 

type “scam” in the search box.

There you will find :irs forms such as w2 form 1099 misc,irs phone number,irs 
refund status,w2 form,
or you can contact directly the irs workers in irs office to help you with a 

payment issue.

DOGS : Your dog can save your life! Cancer-sniffing dogs

study showed that trained explosive-detection sniffer dogs can detect prostate 

cancer in urine in 93% of cases

-Cancer-sniffing dogs are saving lives-

researchers trained two sniffer dogs to identify urine samples from men with 

prostate cancer. They then allowed the dogs to sniff urine samples from men 

with or without prostate cancer and indicate which ones had the prostate 

cancer smell.

One dog correctly identified all the samples from men with prostate cancer, 

and the other dog identified 98.6% of them.

This study suggests dogs can be trained to differentiate between urine samples 

from men known to have prostate cancer and people without the condition. But 

further testing should be carried out to test whether the dogs can accurately 

detect men with prostate cancer who are not yet known to have the disease

although The researchers concluded that a trained sniffer dog can identify

chemicals specific to prostate cancer in urine with a high level of 

accuracy,it seems unlikely that dogs would be routinely used on a widespread basis to

detect prostate cancer instead of the traditional testing methods such as(PSA) test.

PSA - prostate specific antigen-is a protein produced by the prostate.

The PSA test is a blood test that measures the amount of prostate specific 

antigen in the blood. 

This type of study is suitable for an early-stage assessment of the promise of 

a new test. If successful, researchers would need to go on to test samples of 

men who are currently undergoing assessment for suspected prostate cancer, 

rather than those already known to have the disease. This would better assess 

how the dogs would perform in a real-world clinical situation.

-Now your best friend can save your life-

although There's no proper research to show that untrained dogs can detect 

cancer,some dog owners reported that they were lucky because their beloved 

dogs alerted them to cancer by nuzzling  Certain body part insistently.

-Dogs can smell cancer on your breath-

other studies have also found that dogs are able to sniff lung cancer on 

humans' breath 

And there are probably other medical conditions that dogs may be able to train 

to assist with and help people stay healthy. 

information source :

Obesity and Overweight Health Consequences | Weight loss Health Benefits

The health consequences of obesity and overweight are many and varied, ranging from an increased risk of premature death to several non-fatal but debilitating and psychological complaints that can have an adverse effect on quality of life. 

The degree of risk is influenced for example, by the relative amount of excess body weight, the location of the body fat, the extent of weight gain during adulthood and amount of physical activity. Most of these problems can be improved with relatively modest weight loss (10 to 15%), especially if physical activity is increased too.

The major health problems associated with obesity and overweight are:

Type 2 diabetes
Cardiovascular diseases and hypertension
Respiratory diseases (sleep apnea syndrome)
Some cancers
Psychological problems
Alteration of the quality of life

 Type 2 diabetes

Of all serious diseases, it is Type 2 diabetes (the type of diabetes which normally develops in adulthood and is associated with overweight) or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), which has the strongest association with obesity and overweight. Indeed, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes rises with a BMI that is well below the cut-off point for obesity (BMI of 30). Women who are obese are more than 12 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than women of healthy weight. The risk of Type 2 diabetes increases with BMI, especially in those with a family history of diabetes, and decreases with weight loss 

Cardiovascular disease and hypertension

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and peripheral vascular disease. These diseases account for a large proportion (up to one third) of deaths in men and women in most industrialised countries and their incidence is increasing in developing countries. 
Obesity predisposes an individual to a number of cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension and elevated blood cholesterol. In women, obesity is the third most powerful predictor of CVD after age and blood pressure [20]. The risk of heart attack for an obese woman is about three times that of a lean woman of the same age.
The association between hypertension (high blood pressure) and obesity is well documented and the proportion of hypertension attributable to obesity has been estimated to be 30-65% in Western populations. In fact, blood pressure increases with BMI; for every 10 kg increase in weight, blood pressure rises by 2-3mm Hg. Conversely, weight loss induces a fall in blood pressure and typically, for each 1% reduction in body weight, blood pressure falls by 1-2mm Hg.

The prevalence of hypertension in overweight individuals is nearly three times higher than in non-overweight adults and the risk in overweight individuals aged 20-44 years of hypertension is nearly six times greater than in non-overweight adults.


Although the link between obesity and cancer is less well defined, several studies have found an association between overweight and the incidence of certain cancers, particularly of hormone-dependent and gastrointestinal cancers. Greater risks of breast, endometrial, ovarian and cervical cancers have been documented for obese women, and there is some evidence of increased risk of prostate and rectal cancer in men. The clearest association is with cancer of the colon, for which obesity increases the risk by nearly three times in both men and women.


Degenerative diseases of the weight-bearing joints, such as the knee, are very common complications of obesity and overweight. Mechanical damage to joints resulting from excess weight is generally thought to be the cause. Pain in the lower back is also more common in obese people and may be one of the major contributors to obesity-related absenteeism from work.

Psychological aspects

Obesity is highly stigmatised in many European countries in terms of both perceived undesirable bodily appearance and of the character defects that it is supposed to indicate. Even children as young as six perceive obese children as “lazy, dirty, stupid, ugly, liars and cheats” . 

Obese people have to contend with discrimination. A study of overweight young women in the USA showed that they earn significantly less than healthy women who are not overweight or than women with other chronic health problems .

Compulsive overeating also occurs with increased frequency among obese people and many people with this eating disorder have a long history of bingeing and weight fluctuations .

bmi = body mass index

6 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water |Drinking Water Benefits

One in 10 Americans drinks zero cups of water per day, according to a study by 

Dr. Alyson Goodman, a medical epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease 

Control and Prevention. Zero. She suspects that those who don’t drink any 

water (or very little) are getting it from other sources such as food and 

coffee, but warns this may not be enough.

“Many health risks decrease when you drink plain water,” says Goodman.

Which is why, she says, the results are “mindboggling.”

However, not all waters are created equal. Enhanced waters, like Alkame Water, 

provide the body with more health benefits than regular water. 

Water balances body fluids:

Your body is composed of about 60 percent water and performs vital functions 

such as protecting your organs and tissues, regulating your body temperature 

and carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells—essentially it keeps your body 

running like a well-oiled machine.

Water Helps Your Kidneys:

Kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake 

of fluids is adequate

If you drink too little water, you may be at higher risk for kidney stones,

Water Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function:

Adequate hydration prevents constipation,When you don't get enough fluid, the 

colon pulls water from stools to maintain hydration -- and the result is constipation.

Adequate fluid and fiber is a good combination to keep your bowel functioning 


Water is good for your skin:

Water moisturizes your skin and functions as a protective barrier to prevent 

excess fluid loss like an anti-aging cream. In addition, it can keep your skin 

fresh and smooth.

Water boosts the immune system:

Those who guzzle water are at a lower risk of getting sick. This crystal-clear 

concoction helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments—especially if 

your water has mild alkaline properties, such as those found in Alkame Water. 

Including ionized water in your daily intake can give your immune system a 

boost through added antioxidants, improve aerobic capacity, enhance energy 

levels and through a patented technology that alters the molecular structure 

of water, hydrate your body more fully.

Water helps control calories:

While drinking water may not be a weight-loss strategy, per se, substituting 

it for higher-calorie or sugar-filled beverages can help by removing by 

products of fat, filling you up so you’re not noshing, acts as a natural 

appetite suppressant and raises your metabolism.

Snoring and Sleep:How to Stop Snoring,Cure Sleep Disorder & Apnea (Snoring Solutions Remedies)

Snoring and Sleep:How to Stop Snoring,Cure Sleep Disorder & Apnea (Snoring Solutions Remedies)

why do i snore?

Snoring is abnormal and disturbing noise during sleep caused by breathing problems.

What Is Sleep Apnea (apnoea‎)? why do people snore? what causes snoring?

causes of snoring 

snoring can sometimes be a sign of sleep apnea:a temporary cessation of breathing, especially during sleep.

According to the National Sleep Foundation,snoring is a common problem among all ages and genders,and it affects approximately 90 million American adults,37  million on a regular basis.

the more we advance in age, the more the problem of snoring increases: after the age of 60,60% of men and approximately 40% of women snore .

how to stop snoring?

lifestyle and certain tricks can be helpful to stop snoring and sleeping disorders.

In addition,some foods can also help to improve this situation

snoring solutions:

How To Stop Snoring With Your Diet?

top foods to stop snoring


Honey is probably one of the most delicious ways to give up with the snoring! It can be incorporated in all the drinks you consume and throughout the day. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties that can help unclutter the respiratory tract and, therefore, reduce snoring and improve the quality of your sleep.

The mint tea

The mint tea is very effective in  reducing congestion and phlegm that can cause snoring.


Regular consumption of fish instead of red meat can be very beneficial for health and help in the reduction of snoring.
The saturated fat in red meat generates higher amounts of arachidonic acid that causes  swelling of the tissues in the throat and sinuses.

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the best oils you can consume.it has very little saturated fatty acids,but contains natural anti-inflammatory that can improve the quality of your sleep and reduce snoring.

Soy milk

Soy milk is recommended as an alternative to cow's milk which promotes the creation of mucus in the nasal passages and therefore increase snoring.

some studies also recommend other foods such as Garlic,onions and Turmeric which have anti-inflammatory characteristics that can help fighting snoring

If you can incorporate these foods to your daily diet,rest assured that you will improve your quality of life and that of your sleep. Also, reduce your snoring will benefit the people around you and especially your spouse!

home remedies for snoring 1

snoring aids and snoring remedies:

TIP : 
Take two or three sips of olive oil everyday before going to sleep .
you can also add half a teaspoon of olive oil to one teaspoon of honey and consumed daily before going to bed.

home remedies for snoring 2

:Add two tablespoons of turmeric to a cup of warmed milk.drink it half an hour before going to sleep.repeat on a daily basis

Other tips,snoring cures & snoring treatment:

-anti snoring devices: snoring mouthpiece
-stop snoring mouthpiece
-mandibular advancement device
-anti snore pillow
-cpap machine
-Laser System:Slovenia developed laser system promises to eliminate snoring
-Mouth,Tongue Exercises Can Stop Snoring
-snoring surgery

female "Viagra":drug to increase women's sex drive flibanserin a pill to cure lack of sexual desire

Female "Viagra":Drug to increase women's Sex Drive
Flibanserin a Pill to Cure lack of Sexual Desire  

An expert panel of advisors at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)recommended Thursday to allow the marketing of the first female"Viagra",Flibanserin,a new drug designed to increase women's sex drive.

The drug produced by Sprout Pharmaceuticals a North Carolina-based company,has already been rejected by the FDA twice since 2010.

This time they voted 18-6 in favor of approving Sprout Pharmaceutical’s daily pill flibanserin,but under conditions because of certain risks and side effects such as nausea, fainting, dizziness.it can also lower blood pressure!

For that a coalition led by the National Women’s Health Network opposes approval of the drug and argue that pharmaceutical companies only seek to increase its profits.

But The FDA faced a strong public campaign in support of drug, 

The women who participated in the trial found the drug had increased the number of “sexually satisfying events”

Flibanserin would be the first nonhormonal treatment for Hypoactive sexual desire disorder -HSDD-,in premenopausal women.

Unlike Viagra which try to increase blood flow to create an erection, flibanserin works by stimulating woman's sexual desire. 

By approuving this medical treatment of female sexual dysfunction,The FDA Advisory Committee has finally made an end to the suffering of millions of American women from HSDD.

Smoking Addiction : Quit Smoking Cigarettes Tips Get Nicotine Cessation Help

Smoking Addiction : Quit Smoking Cigarettes Tips Get Nicotine Cessation Help

Ready to quit smoking?

Learn to Quit Smoking,How to Quit Smoking ?

Ways to Help People Quit Smoking

Self-Help Tips To Stop Smoking & quit smoking tips

Here are some tips which may help you to quit smoking.

1-Tell your Family and Friends You Plan to Quit And Why you quit smoking?Your reasons for kicking the habit:

Quitting smoking is easier when the people in your life support you
Get Help Quitting Smoking from family and friends.Ask your friends and family to check in with you to see how things are going.do activities together,ask them not to smoke around you if someone of them smoke.Ask your friends not to let you have a cigarette—no matter what.

you may be in a bad mood while quitting ask them to be patient and help you through it.

don't forget that Support is one of the keys to successfully quitting,and help you quit smoking

2-keep yourself busy:

staying busy is one of the best ways to distract yourself from thinking about smoking.try to:
-go out of your house,go to dinner at smokefree restaurant
-go to watch movie
-chew gum 
-keep your hand busy with a pen or a toothpick
-relax with deep breathing
-go out with non-smoking friends
-drink a lot of water and juices
-change your regular routine
-exercise and stay active that will Boost Your Mood 

3-Avoid smoking triggers To Become An EX Smoker:

On your quit day, it's best to avoid people, places, things, and situations that trigger your urge to smoke.
Here are a few tips to help you outsmart some common smoking triggers:

-Throw away your cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays
-Avoid caffeine,which can make you feel jittery;try drinking water and juices instead
-Hang out with non-smokers
-Go to a place where smoking isn't allowed
-Get plenty of rest and eat healthy;lack of sleep and too much sugar can trigger you to smoke

4-Stay positive help to quit smoking cigarettes:

Quitting smoking is difficult,but it doesn't hurt to stay positive; don't beat yourself up. Day one isn't going to be perfect, but all that matters is you don't smoke—not even one puff. Reward yourself for being smoke free for 24 hours. You deserve it!
If you're not feeling prepared to quit today, set a quit date that makes sense for you. It's okay if you need a few more days 

5-Uncomfortable Feelings:

The first few weeks after quitting, a lot of people may feel uncomfortable and will crave a cigarette. This is because of withdrawal. Withdrawal is when your body gets used to not having nicotine from cigarettes. Nicotine is the chemical found in cigarettes that makes you want to keep smoking. Some of the more common feelings that come with withdrawal are:
Feeling a little depressed
Not being able to sleep
Getting cranky, frustrated, or mad
Feeling anxious, nervous, or restless
Having trouble thinking clearly
You may be tempted to smoke to relieve these feelings. Just remember that they are temporary, no matter how powerful they feel at the time.

6-Talk to Your Doctor or Pharmacist About Quit Options,Quit Tobacco Use 


It is difficult to quit smoking on your own,Most doctors and pharmacists can answer your questions, give advice, and tell you where to get quit smoking help and if you need  a nicotine therapy or some medicines to help you not to go back again for cigarettes .

nicotine therapy: In some cases where more than symptoms of quitting smoking, try eating medicines containing Nicotine in order to reduce these symptoms and help the smoker not to go back again for cigarettes.

perfect vision:bye bye poor eyesight in just 8 minutes!-how to

perfect vision : bye bye poor eyesight in just 8 minutes!-how to

 Ocumetics Technology Corp company has invented the Ocumetics Bionic Lens“A device that lets you see three times better than 20/20 vision” without wearing any contacts lenses or glasses at all and for ever.

Dr.Garth Webb the CEO of the company and his team have spent eight years of research and 3 million dollar to develop this revolutionary technology. according to the Canadian Press.

The surgery would take only eight minutes to implant the Bionic Lens into the eye similar to cataract operation,and the patient’s sight would be corrected instantly.

Dr. Garth Webb said “If you can just barely see the clock at 10 feet, when you get the Bionic Lens, you can see the clock at 30 feet away,” 

The surgery would be available only to patients of at least 25 years of age, since people at that age have eyes that fully matured.

Although this new product is perfectly safe according to Dr webb,more tests on animals and blind human eyes are needed before that  the bionic lens would be approved in canada and other countries.

The final product could be available as soon as 2017.

How to use Google's Password Alert tool to prevent phishing attacks,extension add on to protect your privacy

How to use Google's Password Alert tool to prevent phishing attacks,extension add on to protect your privacy 

Today we introduce you a free Password Alert Chrome extension built by google in the fight against phishing.

This new google tool will alert you before you enter your Gmail password
into any suspicious site and fake Google sign-in page that's pretending to be google to steal your private information.

Alert password extension will also protect you if you've entered your password on such sites.

According to google password alert does not store your password nor does it send any data from your computer.

To install the extension we go to chrome web store


1-click add to chrome
2-click add to confirm
3-now password alert has been added to chrome
3-you need to sign in to your google account even if you are already logged in

Enter your google account username and password.
That's it from now on password alert will start monitoring where you enter your google account password

You will see an alert when ever you enter your google password anywhere outside of google.
You have two option to chose from:

1-Ignore the alert if you know that you've entered your password on a safe website like fecebook and amazon

2-Or reset your password

How to disable/uninstall chrome's new bookmark manager.Get the Old Chrome Bookmark Manager Back

How to disable/uninstall chrome's new bookmark manager.Get the Old Chrome Bookmark Manager Back

IF YOu DON"t like the new bookmark manager interface and the tumbnails look 
you can get the old classic interface back by following these steps


open a new tab in your google chrome browser 


go to:


change the setting to disabled


click relaunch now

that's it,now when you reopen Chrome,you’ll be back to the old classic view.

chrome bookmark manager 2015
google chrome bookmark manager


-Google Glass:The google glass version 2 is coming out soon 2015

-Google Glass:The google glass version 2 is coming out soon 2015

Luxottica Italian eyewear company that owns popular brands like Ray-Ban is working on next version of Google Glass

according to  the Wall Street Journal the chief executive of the company Luxottica Massimo Vian said that the company is working  on a new edition of Google Glass.

till now,thre is no details how the new version of Google Glass might be like.

although Google stopped selling the first version of Glass because sales were low and the product was largely  criticized about its violation of privacy.Yet wearable technology is still a growing market,and Next version of Google Glass will be out soon

in January Glass chief Ivy Ross said the new model will be cheaper,with a higher quality display, better battery life,and improved sound quality.

*How to* import export google chrome bookmarks ,Manage Bookmarks In Google Chrome

How to import export google chrome bookmarks ,Manage Bookmarks In Google Chrome

How  to Save Google Chrome Bookmarks 

1- click on the chrome menu
2- Hover the Mouse over Bookmarks
3- Select Bookmark manager from the drop-down menu
4- Click on Organize
5- Select Export Bookmarks to HTML File
6- Save

How to Import Bookmarks

1- click on the chrome menu
2- Hover the Mouse over Bookmarks
3- Select Bookmark manager from the drop-down menu
2- Hover the Mouse over Bookmarks
3- Select Bookmark manager from the drop-down menu
4- Click on Organize
5- Select Import Bookmarks From HTML File
6- Go where Your Bookmarks File is Saved and select it
7- Click Open

the top thumbnaill image zoom add ons,must have google chrome browsser extensions

the top thumbnaill image zoom add ons,must have google chrome browsser extensions
hover-zoom is a very good app
Enlarge thumbnails on mouse over. Works on many sites (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Reddit, Amazon, Tumblr, etc).
Very useful extension. And it works; most of the time
Great and very useful app Browse images galleries with ease: move the mouse cursor over thumbnails to view images in their full size without loading a new page. Pictures are automatically resized if they don't fit the window. 
the best add-on ever Works on many sites (potentially any site with direct links to image files), 

including these:
• 4chan
• Amazon
• Baidu (百度)
• Bing
• deviantART
• eBay
• Facebook
• Flickr
• Google (Google Images, Google+)
• Imgur
• MySpace
• Outlook
• Picasa Web Albums
• Pinterest
• Reddit
• Taobao (淘宝网)
• Twitter
• Tumblr
• VKontakte (ВКонтакте)
• Wikipedia
• Wordpress
• Yahoo
• YouTube
One of the most useful add-ons, works great.
• Support for video files (WebM, MP4)
• Disable zooming for specific sites
• Enable zooming only for specific sites (white list mode)
• Adjustable delay and fading effect
• Zoom images only when a specific key is held down
• Semi-transparent zoomed images

Download link :

health benefits of vitamins vitamin d d2 d3

Vitamin d and your health:

All you need to know about vitamin d and its relation to your health

what is vitamin d daily recommended intake for good health vitamin d deficiency symptoms diseases food listVitamin d Essential for Your Good Health 

What is vitamin d?

Vitamin dis a very important nutrient for our health Vitamin d: Vital Role in Your Health,it is not really a vitamin. 

It is in fact a fat-soluble prohormones that help the body use Calcium and Phosphorus to build and maintain strong bones . 

-Increases muscle and teeth strength 

-Helps the immune system to fight off invading bacteria and viruses.

-Reduces inflammation

Sources of vitamin D

How to get vitamin d ?


Sun is our primary source of vitamin d, it’s made when skin is exposed to the ultraviolet light from the sun.
Approximately 5–30 minutes of sun exposure between 10 am and 3 pm at least twice a week to the face, arms, legs, or back without sunscreen usually lead to sufficient vitamin d synthesis.
Commercial tanning beds that emit 2%–6% UVB radiation is also effective but must be used wisely .


Vitamin D is naturally present in very few foods
Such as :
Salmon, tuna, and mackerel 
Fish liver oils 
Beef liver
Vitamin D is also added to some foods
(Fortified foods) such as :

Milk ,breakfast cereals some juices, yogurt, margarine and soy beverages,wich provide most of the vitamin d in the american diet .


Vitamin d can also be obtained through dietary supplements.
People who avoid the sun and stay indoors for long time should include good sources of vitamin d in their diets or take a supplement. 

Dietary supplements might help in some situations to increase the intake of a specific vitamin or mineral.

Vitamin D is found in supplements in two forms : 
d2 and d3
Supplements of vitamin d3 have been shown to reduce the risk of bone loss and fractures in elderly people 

Vitamin D deficiency

Why some people become deficient in vitamin d ? 
Some people become deficient in 

Vitamin d because : 

They don't consume enough or absorb enough 
from food .
Their exposure to sunlight Is limited.
Their kidneys cannot convert vitamin d to its active form in the body.

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Muscle weakness
Muscle cramps
Bone pain
Delayed tooth formation
Dental deformities

These symptoms may reflect lack of vitamin d.
They can vary depending on the individual and the gravity of deficiency .
Many people don’t experience any symptoms, which is why it’s so important to get your blood levels checked to know for sure if you are getting enough vitamin D.

What are the diseases caused by vitamin d deficiency ?

The classical vitamin D deficiency diseases are :

Osteomalacia -Vitamin D and osteoporosis-
Some research also suggests that women with low levels of vitamin D have a higher risk of breast cancer 
Vitamin D and depression

How much vitamin d our body needs?Vitamin D for Good Bone Health

The amount of vitamin d we need each day depends on age
Average daily recommended amounts from the food and nutrition board (a national group of experts) for different ages are: 
400 (IU) of vitamin D each day for infants from birth to 12 months of age
600 (IU) of vitamin D for people from age 1 to 70 years old 
800 (IU) for people age 71 years and older


Breastfed infants should be given a vitamin D supplement every day, because human milk is a poor source of vitamin D . 

Older adults Because their kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form .

People with dark skin Because their skin has less ability to produce vitamin D from the sun 

Obese people Need more vitamin D than normal people 

In such groups dietary supplements might be required to meet the daily need for vitamin D

Health Risks from Excessive Vitamin DIs there any health risks from Excessive intake of vitamin D ?

Excessive intake of vitamin D supplements
can cause toxic effects .

Too much vitamin D increases calcium levels which can cause heart and kidneys problems 

Excessive sun exposure does not cause vitamin D toxicity. 
However, you should not try to increase vitamin D production by increasing your exposure to sunlight because this will also increase the risk of skin cancer .
Vitamin D is very important to the body,
But obtaining sufficient vitamin D from natural food sources alone is difficult. 
For many people, consuming vitamin D fortified foods and arguably being exposed to some sunlight are essential for maintaining a healthy vitamin D status.
In some groups, dietary supplements might help to meet the daily need for vitamin D. 
37% of the U.S. Population uses a dietary supplement containing vitamin D 
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms 
vitamina d = vitamine d = d vitamin